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Online Medical certificate Australia

Getting Online Medical Certificates in Australia Is Way Easier Now 


Online medical certificates in Australia have become much more accessible and convenient thanks to technological advancements. 


With this option, available patients can log onto a website or app, fill out an online form, and receive their certificate via email anytime, any day, anywhere.


Let’s explore the benefits before we detail the steps you can take to receive yours!


The Benefits of Getting Online Medical Certificates 

One of the key benefits of online medical certificates is the ease of access. Patients no longer have to take time off work or school to visit a doctor or clinic to get a certificate. 


Since the setup is online, you can order your certificate while lazing on your couch.


Another significant advantage is the speed at which someone can obtain the certificate. Traditional medical certificates can take a long time to process, but their online counterparts are typically issued within a few minutes. 


This is especially beneficial for patients on a tight budget who want to save time and money by not commuting.


The certificates are also very secure and private. Many providers use encryption and other security measures to protect patient information. 


It is significant for patients concerned about their personal information being compromised.


Furthermore, the certificates can prove that you are healthy and fit to do certain activities. It is helpful for patients who need to prove their health status for work or travel purposes.


In addition, with an increase in the use of telemedicine, many medical practitioners can now provide online medical certificates after a virtual consultation which helps curb the spread of infectious diseases and makes it easier for patients who live in remote or regional areas to access medical services.


Our 3-Step Process to Get Your Medical Certificate Online


FrazMediCall makes it easy to apply for your online medical certificate. It is one of the first pharmacist and doctor-backed platforms to bring this revolutionary process to its customers. 


You need a computer, mobile, tab, or similar electronic device and a speedy internet connection, and you’re set.


Step 1: Fill Out Your Form 


Our 3-Step process takes no more than 15 minutes. It starts with logging into our website and choosing the “Get Certificate” option from the landing page banner or the button on the top right corner of the navigation menu. 


You will then be redirected to a form containing questions about your symptoms, past conditions, and other essential information.


Be honest and thorough while answering the questions. It helps the assessment and keeps your record straight. Filling out the form is no more than a 5-minute process. Once you’re done, click the submit option.


Step 2: Have Your Form Screened 


After the form submission, you’ll receive an email notifying you of a partner doctor reviewing your case so the screening process begins. 


Should the information be coherent and comprehensive, the assessment will take no more than a couple of minutes.


Step 3: Receive The Certificate Via Email 


You’ll receive your last email once the screening process is complete. The email will contain the online medical certificate as an attachment. 


We recommend reviewing the details thoroughly before forwarding them to your employer.


If your employer needs proof, we offer an “Employer Verify” option on our website. All they have to do is to log into our website, enter the reference number printed on their certificate, and a digital proof will show up.


You can order your online medical certificate from anywhere and anytime by getting in touch with us.


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