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Employers & Medical Certificates

Australian Medical Certificates: Navigating the Essentials for Employees and Employers

Australian workplaces rely on doctor’s certificates to ensure that paid sick leaves are not taken for granted and that employees are protected against unfair accusations.

It’s mutually beneficial, allows employers to run operations more smoothly, and also creates a healthier environment for the workforce.

In this blog we take a look at what online doctor’s certificates are and their place in the workplace.


Employee Sickness and Doctor’s Certificates

Let’s begin with why a certificate is needed. Most employers request proof for absences that go longer than a day. Some may or may not request a medical certificate for a single day leave. It depends on your company policy regarding the length of absence.

Even if you’re a casual worker you still have the right to request a reasonable paid sick leave after 12 months of employment.

Choosing Online Doctor’s Certificates

Feeling too unwell to venture out? Let online telehealth platforms connect you with licensed practitioners that you can consult or fill out a form to be assessed by for a convenient alternative to in-person interactions.

Online doctor’s certificates are a great way to save time, energy, and money as well as yourself and other people from infections. No more waiting for long hours or exposing yourself to greater health risks!

Do remember however that not all employers accept online certificates, so reviewing your company policy is essential.

What Constitutes A Certificate? 

Details of an online doctor’s certificate include your name, the doctor’s details, date of examination, period of absence, and an expected return date. A good doctor will not divulge your diagnosis as your privacy is very important.

Do try to stay honest. I can be tempting to bend the truth for an extra day off, but remember that providing a false certificate is a serious offense with hefty penalties.

What To Consider While Ordering A Certificate Online? 

While online doctor’s certificates offer convenience, their validity can be a concern. As an employer, be cautious and establish clear company guidelines on their acceptability. Consider implementing verification measures to weed out illegitimate ones.

Don’t just accept the certificate and move on. Discuss the employee’s situation, offer support if needed, and explore solutions for their return to work. Remember, communication is key!

Furthermore, don’t discriminate against employees who require frequent sick leaves due to genuine medical conditions. Explore flexible work arrangements or access to support services to foster a culture of understanding and inclusivity.

Remember, open communication, mutual respect, and a little Aussie spirit go a long way in fostering a happy and productive work environment for both the employers and the employees.

Need a day off? Get our Single Day Medical Certificate for just $17.99 or rest for a week with our Multiple Day Certificate for $24.99 only!